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Bialetti Caffè D'Italia Espresso Capsules

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Bialetti Caffè d'Italia

The capsules:

In aluminum, to preserve the aroma of coffee over time and protect it from contamination and pollution perfectly dosed, since they contain 7 grams of coffee each, as indicated by the rules of the authentic Italian espresso. 100% recyclable, because made up of elements that can be separated and recycled to respect the environment.


Our blends are carefully selected with the collaboration of the best coffee experts. Each coffee blend is roasted according to tradition to allow every bean to express its qualities of aroma, body and taste and to bring home the best of our passion for the true Italian espresso. This is the way in which "i Caffè d'Italia" are born, a line of different blends for different tastes, a real sensorial journey into the excellence of the Italian espresso in which everyone can find his taste and the blend that more belong to him.

Bialetti Caffè d'Italia Capsules Milano

The Milanese test for coffee is expressed in an espresso which is never sour, light bodied and with a delicate aroma. A tendency towards harmony and balance, that perfectly fit to the lively and dynamic life style of a city, where business meetings alternate events of social life, in frenetic progression in which even the coffee break has its rules.

Bialetti Caffè d'Italia Coffee Capsules Venezia:

The Venetian taste for coffee requires a full-bodied, sweet, and delicate espresso, with vanilla scents. A tradition that has its roots in the Venice of merchants and reminds of the refined product of the near east. A long history that brought Venetians to appreciate the raw coffee and Arabica blends with clear roasting that naturally develop a vanilla scent.

Bialetti Caffè d'Italia Coffee Capsules Roma

The Roman taste for coffee reflects an espresso with strong taste and persistent aroma. A genuine coffee excellent after meals, with elegant scents of dry fruit, is served typical outdoor places of the capital, in Trastevere as in Parioli. An Authentic tradition that perfectly interprets the modern life of relation of the eternal city.

Bialetti Caffè d'Italia Napoli Kawa Napoli

Neapolitański smak kawy espresso opowiada o intensywnym, ciemnym, w pełni nasyconym utrzymującym się smaku. Dla mieszkańców Neapolu, rytuał parzenia kawy jest prawdziwy ceremoniałem: kawa musi być silna i skoncentrowana, z utrzymującym się smakiem mieszanek afrykańskich, ciemno prażona. Wyjątkowo drobne mielenie i umiejętność basistów neapolitańskich przyczyniły się do stworzenia mitu kawy znanej na całym świecie.

Bio: Aksamitny Smak
Kawa organiczna jest gwarancją poszanowania środowiska w obszarach produkcji i przetwarzania oraz ograniczenia stosowania potencjalnie szkodliwych chemikaliów. Prowadzi to do połączenia aksamitnego smaku i intensywności, dzięki dominacji silnej mieszanki z Dalekiego Wschodu z dodatkiem szlachetnej kawy Arabica z Ameryki Środkowej, który tworzy fantastyczne espresso z silnymi nutami karmelu i migdałów.

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